Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Necropolis Necromancer - Malek

Managed to finish a quick but fun figure before I return to Infinity. Here is Malek painted up to a tabletop standard. I hadn't painted with real metallics for awhile, and I struggled with them a bit. They could use a bit more shading in parts, and if time permits I'll go back and touch him up. Calling him good for now though.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Necropolis Bone Horror

Admittedly, it's been a long time since the last post. This is due to several factors, which include a broken camera, workspace issues, and a super busy schedule dealing with the reality of life outside of minis.

The Infinity Nomads are still in progress, and I'll have updated pictures soon, but I diverged a bit from the Sci-fi figures and painted up the terrible Bone Horror for fun (terrible as in he's scary). This module isn't the most popular of the Warlord line, but I think he's turned out as a success. I kept away from lots of colors and kept him pretty monochrome, which I think helps create his mood.

As always, let me know what you think!