Saturday, August 12, 2017

Urdaggar Berserker

Apologies for the blurriness, I really need to fix the depth of field on these shots. My camera was/is locked into some mode I've forgotten how to get it out of, but it's really making the image taking difficult.

Urdaggar Boar Warrior

Freeblades Urdaggar Slinger

Friday, July 14, 2017

Freeblades Urdaggar Unproven

Here is the unproven - seeing the pictures always illuminates points to improve on, but the pile of minis I have says "move on". I wasn't sure I liked the pose at first, but he grew on me as I painted him.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

They Come From The North

Freeblades Urdaggar

So I've been painting a lot of sci-fi type miniatures, and I needed a break. Not just a different faction but a return to the warm comfort of some fantasy figures. I had found the Urdaggar on sale sometime before and they were clearly in my way in my painting area, so they volunteered.
I had such a good time painting these guys, I highly recommend them. Each has amazing detail and character and overall you can just feel the "culture" they come from — raiding down from their northern realms, adventuring into "civilized" lands.
My favorite turned out to be the unproven because his face was sculpted so well, followed by the bear-shaman, who is just awesome. I don't know if I'll ever play freeblades, but I am planning on getting a few more of the DGS miniatures because of how nice these were to paint up.

Group Shot

I'll post pics of the individual models in the days to come.

Return of the Paint

Do not pray for an easy life ...

It's been a long time of no activity, but I know this is not uncommon in the blogosphere. Lots of life, a move, and a reluctance to unpack the photo equipment all played a part.

Also, I've started playing a lot more instead of just painting, and it's been more fun than I could have imagined. But it also means I was painting miniatures just to get them on the table, and not to any standard of display, so I wasn't sure it they warranted posting on the net.

I've had ADHD of gaming – playing Reaper Warlord, Rezolution, Super System, Song of Blades and Heroes. Oh and Infinity; mostly infinity, which has been a blast, though I keep getting my behind handed to me.

What have you guys been playing?

... pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

More to come

Hello all,

I know it's been a long time since I've posted, but I have not forgotten painting or this blog, or you. As sometimes happens, a lot of "life" occurred since last Fall, with spare time being the first casualty. I've been working on a lot of stuff that I hope to get up soon.
And just in today, I replenished my brushes and got some new sculpting tools, which I'm very excited to try out. Also, I'm trying out one of the Raphael brushes to see how they compare.